These days, in the heat of the war in Ukraine, the colleagues from the CIRCOM Regional Associate Member Hromadske TV continue to do their professional duty overcoming immense difficulties in the war-torn country.

As a public TV, the NGO digital media Hromadske TV has teams all over the country providing the latest news from the field. Regardless of the constantly changing military situation and restrictions such as the recently imposed curfew in the capital city, every evening the media goes online.

"We do our job, it's our mission!“ Yuliia Fediv, CEO of Hromadske TV said.

Their special report “Who defends Kyiv”,  features personal stories of the Kyiv's defenders – volunteers of different background, from a Chechnya veteran to a prosecutor from Ukraine’s capital to a parliamentarian from the Baltic states to a popular Ukrainian music star.

CIRCOM Regional stands by the colleagues from Hromadske TV.


Hromadske TV activity in Ukrainian can be followed on their website .

More information about Hromadske TV is on