14 judges, TV professionals from 14 European countries, have been named for the Prix 2015 judging, which will take place in Ljubljana, hosted by RTVSlo, from 14th till 17th April 2015.
David Lowen, President of the Prix, said:
"The Prix demands the very best in programme judgement and I am delighted we have such experience and excellence to guide our discussions."
The Prix 2015 judges are:
Zoran Medved, PhD
RTV Slovenia
Zoran is journalist and programme executive with 35 years of journalist’s experiences, 28 years on RTV Slovenia. He was formerly the Editor of Culture and Arts on TV Slovenia, the Editor of Current Affairs daily programme on TV Slovenia, the Managing Editor of TV Maribor, first Editor-in-chief of the Morning Programme on TV Slovenia, Deputy Director of TV Slovenia for regional channels. He has doctor’s degree in Communication Theories and seminars for students of Media Communications as an assistant lecturer at the University of Maribor.
Lout Donders
Omroep Brabant, The Netherlands
Since June 2008 Lout is the Head of Varia Television (infotainment) and Events at Omroep Brabant, public channel of the province Noord-Brabant in the south of Holland.The province has 2.4 million inhabitants. Omroep Brabant Television reaches an average of 500.000 viewers per day and online has Omroep Brabant 20 million visits per month.
Lout is responsible for the complete programming (news and current affairs excluded).
Next to the infotainment programs, he is also committed to Brabantse Beauties, very successful annual contest for young and experienced documentary makers.
Lout's previous functions include chief-editor news RTVi at Omroep Brabant, news chief and interim chief-editor, chief-editor for the regional Television channel TV8, various positions at newspapers, magazines and broadcasters.
Máire Aoibhinn Ní Ógáin
TG4, Ireland
Máire is TG4’s Scheduling Manager. She was recruited as TG4’s Librarian in 1996 and appointed as the Schedule Manager in 1999.
Her current role spans a broad range of TG4 policy making and output. She enjoys the challenge of putting those policies into practice - from Scheduling, Archive, Digital Asset Management, Access, Library, Dynamic Branding and TV Billings. She holds a Masters Degree in Irish Heritage Management from University College Cork.
Ulf Morten Davidsen
NRK, Norway
Ulf Morten is a member of the Prix CIRCOM Jury for the 4th time. He is head of projects in the NRK Regions, working with projects and processes. After finishing the restructuring of NRK Finnmark, Norway most northern region, Ulf Morten now works with content- and restructuring projects for the NRK.
Ulf Morten has been editor-in-chief in the region NRK Østfold for several years, and before that he was editor, television journalist and radio morning host at the stations morning show. Ulf Morten is born 1961 and lives in Fredrikstad, Norway.
Mattias Barsk
SVT, Sweden
Mattias is deputy manager of minority programs (Sami, Finnish, Jiddish, Romani chib, Meänkieli and Sign language) at SVT (Sveriges Television/Swedish Television). He also works as a programme developer and producer, and has produced documentary series, children’s programmes and science programmes and much more. Mattias works both online and in broadcast and uses social media as a part of his storytelling.
Galia Kraychovska
BNT, Bulgaria
Galia is a presenter and journalist at Bulgarian National Television.
In her 20 years at BNT she held various positions - reporter for culture and art in News department, Morning Programme presenter, co founder, presenter and editor of WEB News.
Galia is the winner of Golden pen award, author of numerous documentaries and co-author of the film omnibus SEE Culture Heritage Preservation.
She is also a jury member in Jameson Short Film Award and former Head of press department on SIFF.
Daniela Draštata
HRT, Croatia
Daniela Draštata runs HRT Diversity Department for the past 13 years. She edits a weekly magazine, works as a reporter, and produces documentaries mostly on human rights issues.
Daniela has been strongly involved in the work of the EBU Intercultural and Diversity group and in all these European co productions dealing with diversity and multicultural issues. She has been the a producer of HRT’s contributions to 12 seasons of “City Folk”, and to other series like “Inside Offside”, “Muslims in Europe”, “Fathers and Sons”... In 2010, she was an executive producer of a documentary series about "Roma people in Europe". Currently she is the executive producer of the documentary collection “Voices of Fear”.
In 2007 she was a part of a ground-breaking multi-media initiative for the European Parliament “EuroparlTV” in Brussels. She played a role as an ‘intermediary’ between CIRCOM members and Mostra Communication & European Parliament. She was instrumental in sourcing, researching, filming and producing material from across Europe for inclusion in a diverse range of programmes.
She was Prix CIRCOM judge three times and Prix CIRCOM winner in 2005. She has also been a Jury member and a coordinator of the Prix Iris, which is part of the Prix Europa in Berlin.
Alexandre Pletser
RTBF, Belgium
Alexandre is the Coordinator of RTBF’s European projects for the past 10 years. He coordinates various platforms of cooperation for EBU and URTI, and is currently developing a catalog of international and European programmes for the new RTBF digital channel La Trois.
He is CIRCOM coproduction coordinator and Executive Committee member. He was formerly an executive producer of numerous RTBF’s programmes and coproductions. Multimedia author and script editor, he is a member of the Belgian Society of Authors, SABAM, the Association of Audiovisual Writers, and Cinescripts.
Zsuzsanna Antala, PhD
MTVA, Hungary
Was born in Komárno, former Czechoslovakia. She has worked for the Hungarian Television for 23 years as an editor-director.
Zsuzsanna, as a senior editor and editor in-chief, runs MTVA's Slovak Minority Department for the past 14 years. She edits and directs a weekly magazine and documentaries mostly with topics of sociology, sociography, literature, religion, music and art history connected to the minority status. She likes to deal with topics of natural sciences, as well, specially genetics, vinology and enology. Jury member of film and TV festivals Visegrad Festival Ostrava – Czech Republic (2003), Academia Film Festival Olomouc - Czech Republic (2005), Prix Europa Berlin - Germany (2013).
She has doctor’s degree in Literature Science (1996 – József Attila University of Sciences Szeged, Hungary, Thesis: “Modern Hungarian metaphoric structures of novels, and power of creating metaphors in the literature of the national minorities”.
Hajnalka Buda
RTV Vojvodine, Serbia
Hajnalka is journalist and Editor-in-chief for Hungarian Section, with 37 years of journalist’s experiences on RTV Vojvodina in Novi Sad, Serbia. She is also editing and moderating a Family-show in Hungarian language, and was formerly editor of TV News. She produced films about living on farms, country-life and documentaries about Hungarians in Ex-Yugoslavia. She is Teacher of German language and Literature.
Jean-Marc Dubois
FTV, France
Jean-Marc Dubois is journalist.
Since 1983 he has been working in several medias: regional newspapers, national press magazines, local, regional and national television. As journalist and editor in chief he did a lot of reportages and magazines.
He is now working for France 3, the regional network of France Televisions as Director of development. He is also the President of CIRCOM regional.
Wojciech Malinowski
TVP, Poland
Press and TV journalist, graduated Philosophy at Wrocław University, and then PWSTTViF - TVP Production Seminar in Łódź. Logic lecturer at the Faculty of Law and Administration at Wrocław University. Cooperates with the Institute Public Affairs in Warsaw. In 1996 started to work for TVP. Author of documentaries, reports and cultural TV programs. Since 1998 Head of Identity and Auto-promotion Department. Since 2000 Programme Secretary at the Wrocław TVP. Finished CIRCOM Regional's „Training the Trainers” workshop at SON&R Centre BBC Bristol. Juror at the ‘Offensiva’ International Film Festival. Lecturer of the College of TV Journalism and Public Relations at Wrocław TVP.
Cristian AcatrineiTVR, Romania
Head of Corporate Affairs, starting from 2013. Professional experience at TVR:
- Communication – Corporate PR, social media online community management, media relations, internal corporate campaigns, copywriting, advertising, marketing, international relations, protocol and diplomacy, photography, programs coordination, journalism.
- Managerial experience – project manager – PR manager on the campaign for the parliamentarian elections 2012; concept and development for TVR’s corporate social media pages; development and implementation of the partnership RESTART Romania 2012; Internal Football Championship in 2011; Eurovision 2011 – press conference, interviews, media relations, social media product manager.
- organization of the URTI TV Comission in November 2013 in Timisoara
- 25 years since the Romanian Revolution 1989 – project manager
- Eurovision National Selection 2015 PR manager
- TVR – public visiting program – project manager
Jane French
Jane French is the current affairs editor for BBC South. She joined the BBC as a news trainee in 1980 and has worked in news and current affairs in Plymouth, Birmingham and Newcastle before moving to the south coast where she is now based. She is responsible for commissioning independent programmes for the south region as well as editing the prime time BBC One regional current affairs programme Inside Out South.
Jane has also been responsible for the network series Sea City which focussed on life behind the scenes at Southampton docks as well as a number of wildlife series produced for BBC daytime.