CIRCOM Regional goes for the third round of its successful Citizenship Project
After the great succes of the two previous rounds in 2013 and 2014, which gathered more than 30 million viewers across Europe, with more than 300 stories exchanged and broadcast by its members CIRCOM goes for the third round of its Citizenship project.
Citizenship and Election Process (September - December 2014)
Citizenship coproduction project (April 2013 - May 2014)
The EP call for proposals was granted to CIRCOM Regional for the third time this summer 2015. With this huge support, the third project will continue to offer to CIRCOM Regional concrete ways forward in cooperation & coproduction.
The aim of the project is to maintain and develop this unique opportunity for a number of European Regional Stations to produce items on common themes related to European Citizenship with the emphasis on the European election process. The common themes were defined based on the new challenges faced by the European citizens in the regions of 10 active members during the next years.
The themes of the third project are :
1. Climate change
Green energy/Greenhouse effect
2. Migration
Migrant quotas / EU’s external borders / Border Fence
3. Cultural Diversity
Culture / Cultural Heritage / Fine Arts / Cinema
4.(Un-) employment
Detached workers / Undeclared Work / Digital Market / Lifelong learning
For three years, the Citizenship projects has allowed CIRCOM members to work together for on a common project. Now CIRCOM knows very well how to manage the difficulties to match the languages, the themes, the cultural background, the editorial approaches and also the different TV formats.
From June 2015 to March 2016, the participating members will be able to produce 150’ of original material related to the themes in total editorial independence. The European Parliament will co-finance some of the related production, exchange, and translation costs.
The project will be coordinated by Alexandre Pletser from RTBF.
The aim of the project is to allow CIRCOM Regional to commission 10 of its members to produce 50 items of 3 minutes duration each on common themes related to European Citizenship.
The 10 members who gave a strong commitment in the project are:
BNT - Българска Национална Телевизия
HRT - Hrvatska Radiotelevizija
MTVA - Médiaszolgáltatás-támogató és Vagyonkezelő Alap
RAI - Radiotelevisione italiana
RTBF - Radio Television Belge de la Communaute Française
RTVSLO - Radiotelevizija Slovenija
The Citizenship project has been running from 2013, beginning with 7 active members, it is now running with 10 members. CIRCOM expects to enlarge the project with more active members soon. Moreover, all CIRCOM members will have the occasion to propose stories related to the themes!
The entire collection of stories will be available to all CIRCOM Regional members, free of charge, in order to organize a wide European broadcasting of the material. The project has reached till now more than 30 million viewers all across Europe.
It is a fact that as Regional Public Service Broadcasters are defending freedom of speech, it gives them the credibility to broadcast this kind of stories as close as possible to the European citizen.
This operation shows a great commitment of Regional Public Media in the public debate about the future of the European citizens!
Members who are interested in joining the project should contact Alexandre Pletser for more information.

Coproduction Coordinator
RTBF, Belgium
tel: +32 2 737 41 98
mob: +32 475 94 01 00
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.,
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