Budapest 24th - 29th October and 31st October - 5th November 2005
Video Journalism Workshops in Budapest
Two 6 day “Introduction to Video Journalism” workshops have been completed in Budapest. The courses led by Ian Masters and organised by Karol Cioma, both of the Thomson Foundation, were attended by 16 delegates from 12 countries representing 16 different Circom Regional member stations. Magnus Brenna Lund from NRK Norway and Darko Flajpan from HRT Croatia also attended the workshops as trainers.
Within six days, people who had never used a camera or edited their own material before, or who in fact had never visited Budapest before, were producing their own stories on subjects such as property investment in Budapest, fare dodging on public transport, theatre therapy for addicts, Hungarian suicide rates and graffiti vandalism.
The workshops held once a year for Circom Regional training were held at the European Youth Centre in the heart of Budapest. Workshops report, prepared by Ian Masters and Karol Cioma