National Co-ordinator Miroslav Debnár
Director, regional studio STVR Banská Bystrica

Miroslav Debnár
Studio STVR Banska Bystrica
Prof.Saru 1
975 68 Banska Bystrica
tel: +421 48/ 471 7135
STVR is public, national, independent, informational, cultural and educational institution, established by law, which provides services to the public in the field of radio and television broadcasting. In order to fulfil its mission and tasks, STVR cooperates at the national and international level with television and radio companies, especially public service companies and with other associations and organizations. STVR is a member of public service broadcasters – the European Broadcasting Union.
TV channels
The program is aimed at a universal family viewer. It offers an interesting and high-quality choice between broadcasting of commercial television programs.
The program in individual parts of the day interests some groups, including regional viewers, and national broadcasts bring information, enrichment of knowledge in various areas in life, spiritual values, national and cultural heritage, education, but also cultured entertainment and relaxation. In the evening time the channel is aimed at a more demanding viewer who appreciates quality documentaries, films with an art focus, programs with deeper message, brings closer destinies of families and the stories of personalities. In the later evening time, it is the space for discussions on topics that resonate.
The news program service was launched in connection with the outbreak of the war in Ukraine. It offers the viewers new information from home and around the world. Except for regular news block, the program mainly consists of journalistic formats, expert discussions, but also archive material.
The program of Sport is primary aimed for fans and supporters of sports. It offers 24 hours attractive broadcasting.
Radio stations
Radio Slovensko
Radio Slovensko is primarily focused on streaming with a dominant focus on current news and analytic journalism supplemented by blocks of artistic program.
Radio Regina
Radio Regina is the second radio with regional full-format program focusing on listeners of mature age. During the day it is divided into three autonomous 12-hour programs (Radio Regina West, Radio Regina Middle and Radio Regina East) and together evening and night broadcasting.
Radio Devín
Radio Devín is the radio with artistic and cultural program service with 24-hour broadcasting aimed at demanding listeners in music, artistic words and cultural information from home and the world. It accepts proven cultural values and at the same time captures and reflects the current world trends, supports experiments looking for new themes and new forms.
Radio FM
Radio FM is music and cultural program service with 24-hour broadcasting, aimed at the more demanding young listener.
Radio Pyramída
Radio Pyramída is digital program service, which provides listeners with the best that editors, authors, directors, sound engineers, actors, musicians, production and technicians have created over the past decades.
Radio Litera
Radio Litera is the digital artistic program service with 24-hour repeat broadcasts aimed at more intellectual listeners.
Radio Junior
Radio Junior is the digital artistic program service with 24-hour repeat broadcasts designed especially for children. The mission of the radio is to create the way for children to have a close relationship with art, above all with literature and music (through folk and authors creations).
Radio Patria
Radio Patria broadcasts a program about nationalities in language of nationalities. This is the program service that offers an international and reflective space for non-Slovak national communities in Slovakia.
Radio Slovakia International
Radio Slovakia International is the only broadcasting in Slovakia with broadcasts for the listeners in foreign languages.
Contact information
Radio and Television Slovakia
Mlynská dolina
845 45 Bratislava
+421 02 6061 1111
Regional studios
Studio STVR Košice
Rastislavova 13
043 07 Košice
+421 55 72 33 730
director: Jaroslav Kerner
Studio STVR Banská Bystrica
Profesora Sáru 1
975 68 Banská Bystrica
+421 48 47 17 134
+421 919 249 335
director: Miroslav Debnár