National Co-ordinator Dr. Zoran Medved

Zoran Medved
RTV Center Maribor, Ilichova 33,
SI-2000 Maribor
tel: +386 2 429 91 25
fax: +386 2 429 91 23
RTVSLO - Radio and television Slovenia
Kolodvorska 2
SI - 1550 Ljubljana
RTV Slovenia is Slovenia's national public broadcasting organisation. Based in Ljubljana, RTV has two regional broadcasting centres in Koper and Maribor. RTV is mostly funded through a licence fee.
According to the Law (lex specialis) passed on 12 November 2005, Radio-television Slovenia is “a public institution of special cultural and national importance performing public service in the field of radio and television activities … with the intention of fulfilling democratic, social and cultural needs of the citizens of the Republic of Slovenia, Slovenians abroad, Slovenian national minorities in Italy, Austria and Hungary, Italian and Hungarian national communities in the Republic of Slovenia … (Article 1)
The public service of RTV Slovenia has been established by the Republic of Slovenia.
It is the duty of the founder to assure institutional autonomy and editorial independence of RTV Slovenia and provide adequate funding for the fulfilment of public service (Article 2).
According to the Law, public service of RTV Slovenia includes creation, preparation, archiving and broadcasting of:
two national TV channels
three national radio channels
radio and TV programmes in the regional centres in Koper and Maribor
one radio and TV channel for the Italian and Hungarian national community respectively
radio and TV programmes for the Romany community
radio and TV programmes for Slovenian national minorities in the neighbouring countries and Slovenian emigrants and workers abroad
radio and TV programmes for foreign audiences
teletext and an Internet and mobile portal
according to the Law, public service of RTV Slovenia includes a special national TV programme for direct broadcasting of the sessions of the National Assembly of the Republic of Slovenia and its working bodies, and the sessions of the National Council.
Management and Supervision
The managing bodies of RTV Slovenia are the Programme Council and the Supervisory Board
The Programme Council consists of 29 members, of which:
one member is appointed by the Hungarian national community
one member is appointed by the Italian national community
one member is appointed by the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts
two members are appointed by the President of the Republic on a proposal from registered religious communities
three members are directly elected by the employed of RTV Slovenia; they have to represent information programming , culture and arts programmes and the technical department of the organisation
five members are appointed by the National Assembly on a proposal from political parties, as closely as possible reflecting the proportional representation of the parties in the National Assembly,
sixteen members are appointed by the National Assembly on a proposal from the viewers and listeners of the programmes of RTV Slovenia; universities, faculties and associations, associations' unions and their organizations, particularly in the fields of art, culture, science and journalism, and other civil-society organisations, with the exception of political parties and their forms of organisation. Candidates' suitability and qualification are demonstrated with documents required in the body of the public call (Article 17). They have also to be from different regions.
Members of the Programme Council are appointed or elected as of the date of the signing of the decision on the appointment or the decision on the election, or upon the day of appointment in the National Assembly. Their mandate lasts for four years starting upon the day the Programme Council is constituted (Article 18). First half of them will be replaced after 2 years.
The rights and duties of the Programme Council are:
to adopt programme standards, programme concepts, programme-production plans and programme outlines on a proposal from the Director General;
to deal up-to-date with their realisation and with the viewers and listeners' comments and proposals.
to give consent to the statute of the public institution and an opinion to the proposal of the financial plan provided by the Director General and adopted by the Supervisory Board.
to appoint and relieve the Director General and provide prior consent as to the appointment and removal of radio and television directors.
The Supervisory Board consists of eleven members, five of which are appointed by the National Assembly, representing the proportional representation of political parties in the National Assembly; four are appointed by the Government and two are directly elected by the employed of RTV Slovenia (Article 26). The Supervisory Board is appointed for a period of four years and constituted together with the Programme Council.
The Supervisory Board adopts the statute on the basis of a prior consent by the Programme Council, adopts financial plans and annual reports and sets the fees for services not included in the public service.
The Director General manages the work of RTV Slovenia. He/She is elected by the Programme Council for a four-year mandate on the basis of a public call.
The Director General appoints – on the basis of a public call and given a prior consent from the Programme Council – the Director of Radio and TV, Deputy Director General for national programmes and other editors-in-chief (on a proposal from directors of radio and television). All these functions require prior public calls.
In case the directors of radio and television propose to the Director General to appoint as editor-in-chief a candidate that has not received a positive opinion from the majority of programme workers in the editorial office (the principle of workers' participation), this majority has the right to propose to the Director General a candidate who has received their positive opinion, and duly inform the Programme Council. Should this be the case, the Director General chooses a candidate after acquiring consent from the Programme Council (Article 21).
The Director General also appoints and relieves other senior executives determined by the statute.
International Relations Department
Phone: +386 1 475 21 53
Fax: + 386 1 475 21 50
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Copyright: RTV Slovenia
Organisation structure:
Director General
Director Radio Programmes
Director TV Programmes
Assistant Director General for Italian Programmes
Assistant Director General for Hungarian Programmes
Assistant Director General/ Finances
Assistant Director General/ Human Resources
Assistant Director General/Technical,engeneering
Director, transmitters and communications
Adviser to the Director General/International relations and Projects
Head, International relations
Managing Editor, News and current affairs
Managing Editor, Culture and arts
Managing Editor, Entertainment
Managing Editor, Sports
Managing Editor, Parliamentary channel
Head, TV Production
Managing Editor, News and experimental-development
Managing Editor ,
Managing Editor,
Managing Editor,
Head, Radio production
Head, Music production
Regional broadcasting center Koper/Capodistria
Head of the RC
Managing Editor, radio
Managing Editor, TV
Managing Editor Italian TV
Managing Editor,Italian radio
Regional broadcasting center Maribor (also studio Lendava/Lendva)
Head of the RC
Managing Editor, radio
Managing Editor, TV
Managing Editor, Radio Slovenia International
Managing Editor, Hungarian radio
Managing Editor, Hungarian TV
Head of MMC
Managing Editor
RTV Slovenia is a member of the EBU and plays an active role in many international organisations and consortia. It is also one of the founders of co-operation among different radio and TV broadcasters in the region of the Alps, the Danube and the Adriatic, and is active in Central Europe and Mediterranean as well. RTV Slovenia is more than open to all kinds of international co-operation and co-production. Besides its production and media specialised correspondence centres in the country, RTV Slovenia also has a joint network of correspondents abroad, in Italian, Austrian and Hungarian towns near the border and in New York, Moscow, Brussels, Vienna, Bonn etc.
Important joint activities promote relations with Slovene emigrants all over the world and inform the public abroad.
RTV Slovenia contributes to satellite broadcasting by active co-operation with foreign programmes and by leasing satellite channels.
Slovenia has 2 million inhabitants, 640,000 TV households, 72% cabled, and approx. 100,000 individual satellite receivers.
Enterprise units:
- Regional RTV centre Maribor
Address: Ilichova 33,2000 Maribor, Slovenija
Tel.: +386 2 429 91 26
Fax: +386 2 429 91 23
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Web page:
Head of the Regional Centre: Cvetka Žirovnik, M Phil., e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Editor-in-Chief: Polona Pivec, PhD, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
CR contact person: Zoran Medved e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
- Regional TV Centre Koper
Address: Ulica OF 15, 6000 Koper, Slovenija
Tel.: +386 5 668 53 00
Fax: +386 5 668 53 72
Web page:
Head of the Regional Centre: Dragomir Mikelič, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Editor-in-Chief: Nataša Segulin, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
CR contact person: Nataša Segulin, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.